The ATP committee are very excited to bring to you our first conference in 6 years! And its going to be epic!
We have the privilege of headlining Catherine Watson-Genna, IBCLC, world renowned author, researcher and an honorary member of the ATP joining us from New York; bringing to us a number of talks over the 2 day period.
Yvonne Le Fort, General Practitioner, IBCLC and the lead author of the ABM Position Statement on Ankyloglossia coming all the way from New Zealand to talk to us, and Jane Sibley who is the cleft palate specialist nurse at Oxford University Hospital Trust, who very recently participated in designing the new cleft palate awareness poster you are aware of; (see 'HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS' page) who will be highlighting how we are in an ideal profession to identify and recognise a cleft palate using a new technique as part of our tongue-tie assessments.
The conference is brought to you over a span of 2 days. You can choose to opt to attend just one day or both, and we have both earlybird and ATP members discounted places too.
If you are not an ATP member and would like to benefit from joining our membership, please do so by joining using this page 'JOIN THE ATP' and following the steps within, and then proceed to book as a member once confirmed! If our membership is not for you, we still welcome you to come along as a delegate, please refer to the fees table below.
Your delegate ticket includes:
We regret that on this occasion we are unable to bring this conference to you electronically. It was our intention to have the full conference available as a hybrid conference both live-streamed, and recorded, however it is unfortunately not possible at this time.
Guest speaker bios & Topic introductions:
Catherine Watson Genna BS, IBCLC is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in private practice in New York City. Certified in 1992, Catherine is particularly interested in helping moms and babies breastfeed when they have medical challenges. She loves to teach, locally mentoring clinical interns and traveling to educate healthcare professionals around the world on assisting breastfeeding babies with anatomical, genetic or neurological problems. Her presentations and her writing are enriched by her clinical photographs and videos. Catherine collaborates with Columbia University and Tel Aviv University Departments of Biomedical Engineering on research projects investigating the biomechanics of the lactating nipple and various aspects of sucking and swallowing in breastfeeding infants. She is the author of Selecting and Using Breastfeeding Tools: Improving Care and Outcomes (Praeclarus Press 2016) and Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants (Jones and Bartlett Learning 2008, 2013, 2017, 2023) as well as professional journal articles and chapters in the Core Curriculum for Lactation Consultant Practice and Breastfeeding and Human Lactation. Catherine served as Associate Editor of the United States Lactation Consultant Association’s official journal Clinical Lactation for its first seven years. She is still a La Leche League Leader.
Dr Yvonne LeFort, a Family Medicine doctor, trained in Canada, practicing Breastfeeding Medicine for over 25 years, operating a private Breastfeeding Clinic in Auckland New Zealand which includes the assessment and treatment of ankyloglossia.
She is a dual Fellow of RNZCGP(NZ) and CCFP(Canada,) Fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, an IBCLC, and has a Post Graduate Diploma in Digital Health (Otago). She completed her second term on the ABM Board of Directors in November 2024 and currently serves on Governance, Protocol and International Code Compliance ABM committees.
She is lead author of the Position Statement on Ankyloglossia and Breastfeeding Dyads (2021) a contributor to New Zealand Aotearoa National Guidance for the Assessment, Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Tongue-Tie in Breastfeeding Neonates and has co-authored Complications and Misdiagnoses associated with Infant Frenotomy (Int Breastfeeding J 2022)
She is a board member of the New Zealand Breastfeeding Alliance, a professional advisor to La Leche League New Zealand, a member of NZLCA and ILCA, a founding member of the World Breastfeeding Trends in NZ Committee and co-chair of the Breastfeeding Medicine Association of Aotearoa (New Zealand).
I am a cleft advanced nurse practitioner with the Spires Cleft Centre in Oxford; a post I have held for almost 30 years.
I have immeasurable first hand experience of diagnosing and feeding infants with clefts and managing their individual care pathways. This begins with antenatal care of the mother, through the neonatal period, continuing through the primary surgery, secondary surgery and onwards until adulthood.
The most intense and complex period of my involvement is with neonates until around age one when their primary surgery is completed.
I have also worked with the cleft teams in Kampala, Uganda and Malta.
I am currently the chair of the cleft nurses' CEN Innovation, Development and Evidence-Based practice group.
Time table:
Day 1:
Time | Topic | Presenter | Duration (mins) |
08.30-09.00 | Registration and networking. | Various stalls to view | 30 |
09.00-09.15 | Welcome Address | Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners | 15 |
09.15-11.00 | "Infant Assessment: Normal Variations or Dysmorphic Features" | Catherine Watson-Genna | 105 |
11.00-11.20 | "Diagnosis of cleft palate in the infant: Introducing a tool specifically designed to promote early identification of this condition by professionals involved in infant feeding" | Jane Sibley | 20 |
11.20-11.45 | Break | Refreshments are provided | 25 |
11.45-13.00 | "Torticollis and Tongue-tie: Teasing out the Interactions" | Catherine Watson-Genna | 75-90 |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch | Hot lunch is provided | 60 |
14.00-15.45 | "Compensations or Dysphagia? Analysing and Assessing Suck:Swallow Patterns by Observation and Cervical Auscultation" | Catherine Watson-Genna | 105 |
15.45-16.00 | Break | Refreshments are provided | 20 |
16.00-16.45 | "Ankyloglossia in context of practice: Searching for clarity" | Yvonne Le Fort | 45 |
16.45-17.00 | ATP Charity update | ATP Membership Vote | 15 |
17.00 | Close | Close | X |
Day 2:
Time | Topic | Presenter | Duration (mins) |
08.30-09.00 | Registration and Networking. | Various stalls to view | 30 |
09.00-10.30 | "Disorganised Sucking and Fussiness in a Subset of Rapidly Growing Tongue-tied Infants Incorporating the Research" | Catherine Watson-Genna | 90 |
10.30-10.45 | Break & Raffle draw | Refreshments are provided | 15 |
10.45-11.30 | "Tongue-tie treatment-just a simple snip?" | Yvonne Le Fort | 45 |
11.30-13.00 | "Oral Motor Facilitation and Finger Feeding" | Catherine Watson-Genna | 90 |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch | Hot lunch is provided | 60 |
14.00-16.00 | "Reflux, GERD and Breastfeeding" | Catherine Watson-Genna | 120 |
16.00-16.15 | Break | Refreshments are provided | 15 |
16.15-17.00 | Q&A with all 3 speakers | Catherine Watson-Genna, Jane Sibley & Yvonne Le Fort | 45 |
17.00 | Close | Close | X |
The Studio
7 Cannon street,
West Midlands,
B2 5EP.
What3words: Villa, Fish, Doing.
Walking from New Street Station and New Street Station Car Park – 2 minutes
Exit the North exit ‘Stephenson Street’ or ‘New Street entrance’ and head up Lower Temple street past Caffé Nero. Turn right at Starbucks and continue down New Street (Tesco on your left). Cannon Street is the second street on the left, thestudio is half way along Cannon Street on the right hand side. See below for our walking video.
Walking from Birmingham Snow Hill Car Park – 5 minutes
Exit the car park down the entrance ramp and turn left onto Livery Street. Continue to Colmore Row. At Colmore Row walk through the Cathedral park to Temple Row. With the CBRE building in front of you take Cherry Street to the left of the building. Just after McDonalds and Greggs turn right onto Cannon Street. You will find thestudio half way down the street on the left.
By Rail
There are three railway stations within walking distance of thestudio: Birmingham New Street, Snow Hill and Moor Street. New Street Station is just two minutes walk from thestudio.
As we are a city centre venue we don’t have any onsite parking, though would recommend Birmingham Snow Hill Station Car Park, postcode B3 2BJ and Birmingham New Street Station Car Park, postcode B2 4ND. Both car parks are around a 5 minute walk from thestudio.
Disabled Parking
The closest disabled parking spot is on Waterloo Street which is just around the corner from Cannon Street. Delegates would need an Orange or Blue Badge. Birmingham City Council information for disabled parking can be found here:
Disabled access.
Lift available.
EARLYBIRD FEES (until 09/05/25) | ATP Member | Non-ATP Member |
Earlybird cost day 1 ONLY | £160.00 | £205.00 |
Earlybird cost day 2 ONLY | £160.00 | £205.00 |
Earlybird cost 2 days | £220.00 | £265.00 |
FULL FEE (from 10/05/2025-02/06/25) | All Delegates |
Day 1 full fee | £220.00 |
Day 2 full fee | £220.00 |
Day 1 & 2 Combined full fee | £280.00 |
Tickets will be on sale at an earlybird price until 9th May 2025, and then will then become full price thereafter until 2nd June 2025 and are subject to availability.
When you buy your ticket(s) through 'Eventbrite' below; you will be Emailed a QR code. This is your ticket. Please keep this QR code handy as you will need it at registration on the conference day(s). You will receive 1x QR code per order. If you buy the 2-day ticket, you will receive 1x QR code that registers you for both days.
Should you need to cancel your delegate place for extenuating circumstances, this will be at discretion of the ATP committee and a refund is not guaranteed. Please contact should you wish to cancel your delegate place at your earliest convenience.
Purchase your tickets here:
Our international conference is brought to you over 2 days.
Please click the orange "get tickets' button to choose which day, or both :)
Conference Stands:
The Association of
Tongue-tie Practitioners
We will have our ATP stall in attendance where you can choose to stock up on any of our shop 'staples' at a further discounted price. We will have stock there but if you would like to pre-order to guarantee your stock please Email Andi on, including your name, the item type and volume needed. Payment will be taken by credit/debit card on the day so be sure to remember to bring it along with you!
The Lactation Consultants of
Great Britain (LCGB)
The Lactation Consultants of Great Britain (LCGB) formed in 1994 and became a registered charity in 2020.
Through the provision of advanced lactation education to our members and those supporting infant feeding we are working to create a society where every mother and parent is comfortable breastfeeding their baby and has access to professional help if needed.
International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM)
The purpose of the International Association of Infant Massage is to promote nurturing touch and communication through training, education and research so that parents, caregivers and children are loved, valued and respected throughout the world community.
Cleft Palate Identification
Jane Sibley will be here to demonstrate the assessment technique, discuss the Cleft Association's poster, and answer any questions you may have regarding cleft lip and/or palate.
The venue suggests the following accommodation. Please note this is not a recommendation or endorsement to ATP and ATP will not arrange, nor be responsible for your accommodation arrangements. Delegates are responsible for their own accommodation arrangements should they wish to stay local to the venue. We cannot guarantee availability or prices, this information is purely intended as a guide.