The ATP directory of professional practitioners
By providing a database of locations and contact details for its members, it is important to note that the ATP does not endorse or regulate any individual service that is listed. The ATP also acknowledges there are members who are qualified regulated practitioners, who choose not to list their services.
However, we do require that those who do choose to list within our directory are registered health care professionals, insured and regulated for surgical procedures as required by law. As we are not a regulatory body, we ask our members to confirm they are suitably regulated, insured and trained. The ATP do random ad-hoc checks of individual services. We would encourage parents/caregivers to verify this information when choosing their practitioner.
Guide to Qualifications:
RM Registered Midwife
RGN Registered General Nurse
RN Registered Nurse
RHV/HV Registered Health Visitor
ANNP Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
MD Doctor of Medicine
BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery
DO Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine
IBCLC International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
ABM BFC Association of Breastfeeding Mothers Breastfeeding Counsellor
SCPHN Specialist Community Public Health Nurse
RCST Registered Cranial Sacral Therapist