the logo for the association of tongue-tie practitioners


The ATP collates and records all kinds of adverse or unexpected incident reports. This information is submitted by its members anonymously (also no identifiable patient data is included) so that the facts and the figures can be quantified to benchmark and audit, to identify risk factor potential and probability.

This may include:

  • All bleeding concerns should be reported that requires management (other than infant feeding to stem bleeding).
  • Adverse or unusual reactions.
  • Infections.
  • Additional medical interventions.
  • Any unusually occurring ‘event’ or anomaly.
  • Complications.

This is for ATP monitoring and audit which is separate to a CQC notification.

CQC Notification requirements are listed and submitted on their website through your provider portal:

Notifications - Care Quality Commission (

Clinical Monitoring Form

Thank you for submitting this form.

You will receive an automated Email confirming receipt of submission.

The Email receipt includes your full submission should you wish to use it in your records.

If you would like to discuss your adverse event with a member of the ATP support team please email (MEMBERS ONLY)

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