This notice explains how we use any personal data we may collect from you.
What information do we collect about you?
We collect information about you when you join us as a member, or when you contact us with an enquiry or to order resources or as a member of the public. This information is collected via our membership forms, order forms and through any correspondence you have with us via email, online form submission, telephone, social media or letter.
Why do we collect and use your personal data?
Our primary legal basis for processing your data is for the performance of our contract with you in the case of members and orders for resources, and for our legitimate interests in the case of enquiries.
How will we use the information about you?
We will use the information in order to process membership applications and provide membership services or process orders and enquiries.
Who might we share your information with?
Your membership details will only be available to committee members.
At your request and with your consent your information will be included in the public directory of tongue-tie services on our website. We will not share your personal information with any third parties without your consent unless it is a matter of patient safety or public protection as per the NMC Code of Professional Conduct. (This would fall under legal/regulatory obligations.) We will take steps to ensure your data is stored securely which may include password protection, encryption and the use of antivirus/firewall software.
How long we will store your information?
We will store information associated with membership until you cease to be a member. Your data may be held for longer in exceptional circumstance such as if there are ongoing issues relating to patient safety or public protection.
Information collected during enquiries made to us will be kept for up to 10 years.
Information collected from customers ordering resources will be kept for up to two years after the last order placed.
You have the right to request we amend or delete information we hold about you subject to our legal/regulatory obligations.
How can I access the information we hold about you?
You can access a copy of the information we hold about you by emailing We will provide this information within 30 days.
Please ensure you inform us of any changes to your personal information so we can keep our records up to date.
We will use member’s personal information to notify members (usually by email) of any events, meetings, study days and conferences ATP and other similar organisation are providing which may be relevant to our members. You can opt out of this at anytime simply click unsubscribe from any email at the bottom of any email from the ATP, or directly to
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What to do if you wish to raise a concern about how we process your personal data
How to contact us:
Contact the ICO (Information Commissioners Office)
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.
Tel: 0303 123 1113