Affiliate membership of the Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners (ATP) is open to health professionals (for example nurses, midwives, Health Visitors, doctors, dentists, osteopaths, speech and language therapists) and breastfeeding supporters (including breastfeeding peer supporters, breastfeeding counsellors, and lactation consultants) who have an interest or role in supporting parents of babies with tongue-tie and would like to benefit from sharing professional experiences.
Assessment of a Tongue Tie video curtesy of Sarah Oakley, Registered Nurse, Health visitor and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Baeza CK, Watson-Genna C, Murphy J, Hazelbaker A, Kaplan M, Martinelli RLdC, Marchesan I, Douglas PS, Smillie C (2017) "Assessment and Classification of Tongue-Tie" Clinical Lactation 8(3) p93-98 doi:10.1891/2158-0782.8.3.93.
Brooks E (2017) "IBCLC Scope of Practice for Tongue-Tie Assessment" Clinical Lactation-Tongue Tie Expert Roundtable vol 8(3) doi: 10.1891/2158-0782.8.3.121.
La Leche League USA (2020) Tongue tie and Lip ties,you%20suspect%20a%tongue%20tie.
Oakley S (2017) "The Health Visitor's role in supporting families with tongue-tie babies"
British Journal of Health Visiting