Should you wish to access private or NHS support with advice for potential division of a restrictive tongue-tie, we have directories which show you local clinics and practitioners who are able to provide home visits or clinic attendance. Please see our 'Find a Practitioner' feature. This is inclusive of links to NHS provision. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to notify us if these are not wholly accurate with the correct details: NHS listings form.
From the 1st September 2019, all of the private practitioners listed in our ATP directory will be suitably registered health care professionals, who maintain adequate insurance and if appropriate, registration with the Care Quality Commission (England), The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (Northern Ireland) or Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Practitioners providing care in Wales are not required to currently register with Healthcare Inspectorate Wales.
The ATP is inclusive of all families and their supporting networks. We understand that not all families use the terms ‘breastfeeding’ or ‘mother’. We are working hard to ensure our publications and wider community message is in-line with this. For definition purposes the terms: