the logo for the association of tongue-tie practitioners



References have been grouped into the topic categories below. Please click on the topic heading to view some of the related research associated with tongue-tie, the link will take you directly to that section.

 Research is continuously being conducted and so this page will continue to be updated.

 If you have any research references you are able to share relating to a tongue-tie restriction, please share to for upload to this page, Thank you.


Amir L, James J & Beatty J (2005) "Review of tongue-tie release at a tertiary maternity hospital" Journal of paediatric Child Health 2005;41; Pg.243-245.

Ballard J, Auer C & Khoury J (2002) "Ankyloglossia: Assessment, incidence and effect of the frenuloplasty on the breastfeeding dyad" Paediatrics 110(5) Pg.1-6.

Baxter R, Merkel-Walsh R, Baxter BS, Lashley A & Rendell NR (2020) " Functional improvements in speech, feeding and sleep following a tongue-tie and lip tie release: A prospective cohort study" Clinical Pediatrics 59(9-10) Pg.885-892.

Berg KL (1990) “Tongue tie (Ankyloglossia) and breastfeeding: A review” Journal of Human Lactation 6(3) Pg.109-112.

Bundogji N, Zamora S, Brigger M & Jiang W (2020) "Modest benefit of frenotomy for infants with ankyloglossia and breastfeeding difficulties" International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 133: 109985.

Bruney TL, Scime NV, Madubueze A & Chaput KH (2022) "Systematic review of the evidence for resolution of common breastfeeding problems-Ankyloglossia (Tongue Tie)" Acta Paediatr, 111(5) Pg.940-947.

Braccio S, Chadderton Z, Sheridan A, Upadhyaya M (2016) "Tongue-tie division: Is it worth it? A retrospective cohort study" British Journal of Midwifery  Vol25(5) ISSN 0969-4900.

Burrows S & Lanlehin R (2015) "Is frenotomy effective in improving breastfeeding in newborn babies with tongue-tie? A literature review" British Journal of Midwifery Vol 23 (11) ISSN 0969-4900.

Buryk M, Bloom D & Shope T (2011) "Efficacy of Neonatal Release of Ankyloglossia: A Randomized Trial" Pediatrics peds.2011-0077; doi:10.1542/peds.2011-0077.

Caloway C, Hersh CJ, Baars R, Sally S, Diercks G & Hartnick CJ (2019) "Association of feeding evaluation with frenotomy rates in infants with breastfeeding difficulties." JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck 145(9) Pg.817-822.

Campanha SMA, de Castro Martinelli RL & Palhares DB (2018) "Association between ankyloglossia and breastfeeding" 31(1) DOI:10.1590/2317-1782/20182018264.

Cordray H, Raol N, Mahendran GN, Tey CS, Nemeth J, Sutcliffe A, Ingram J & Sharp WG (2024) "Quantitative impact of frenotomy on breastfeeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis" Paediatric Research 95 Pg.34-42.

Coryllos EV & Watson-Genna C (2009) "Breastfeeding and tongue-tie" Journal of Human Lactation 25 (1) Pg.111-112.

Costa-Romero M, Espinola-Docio B, Paricio-Talayero JM, Diaz-Gomez NM (2021) “Ankyloglossia in breastfed infants. An update” Arch Argent Pediatrics 119(6) e600-609 doi:10.5546/aap.2021.eng.e600.

Dhir S, Landau BP, Edemobi S, Meyer AK & Durr ML (2022) "Survey of Pediatric Otolaryngology Frenotomy Practice Patterns" Laryngoscope, 132(12) Pg.2505-2512.

Dollberg S, Botzer E, Grunis E & Mimouni FB (2006) "Immediate Nipple Pain Relief After Frenotomy in Breast-Fed Infants with ankyloglossia:a randomised, prospective study" Journal of Pediatr Surgery 41(9) Pg.1598-1600.

Dontai-Bourne J, Batool Z, Hendrickse C & Bowley D (2015) “Tongue-tie assessment and division: A time critical intervention to optimise breastfeeding” Journal of neonatal surgery 4(1) Pg.3

Douglas PS (2016) “Deep cuts under babies tongues are unlikely to solve breastfeeding problems” The Conversation

Dorough A(2022) "Differentiating the Impact of Biomechanical Forces of Labor and Delivery vs. the Effect of a Posterior Tongue-Tie on Neonatal and Infant Feeding Dysfunction: A Clinical Evaluation" Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics 21(2) Pg.1893-1901.

Douglas, P (2022) "Re-thinking lactation-related nipple pain and damage" WOMENS HEALTH, 18. Pg.1-29.

Duursma RNL(2022) "Tongue-Tie in infants" Essence: Newsletter of the Australian Breastfeeding Association, 58(3) Pg.14-15.

Edmunds J, Miles S, Fulbrook P (2011) "Tongue-tie and breastfeeding: A review of the literature." Breastfeeding Review 2011:19(1) Pg.19-26.

Edmunds J, Fukbrook P, and Miles S (2013) "Understanding the experiences of mothers who are breastfeeding and infant with tongue-tie" Journal of Human Lactation 2013;29(2) Pg.190-195.

Eidelman AI (2024) "Breastfeeding and tongue tie: Business or medical model"  Breastfeeding Medicene 19(1) Pg.1-2.

Emmerson CV (2018) "Does frenotomy improve breastfeeding problems in neonates with ankyloglossia?" British Journal of Midwifery Vol 26 (3) ISSN 0969-4900.

Evans L, Lawson H, Oakeshott P, Knights F, & Chadha K (2023) "Tongue tie and breastfeeding problems" British Journal of General Practice 73(732) Pg.297-298.

Finnigan V & Long T (2013) "The effectiveness of frenulotomy on infant feeding outcomes: a systematic review" Evidence Based Midwifery June 2013.

Fraser L, Benzie S & Montgomery J (2020) "Posterior tongue tie and lip tie: a lucrative private industry where the evidence is uncertain" British Medical Journal 26:371:m3928 doi:10.1136/bmj.m3928.

Francis DO, Krishnaswami S & McPheeters M (2015) "Treatment of ankyloglossia and breastfeeding outcomes: a

systematic review" Pediatrics 135(6) doi/10.1542/peds.2015-0658.

Geddes D (2018) "Cutting tongue-ties may not help infants to breastfeed" Infant Vol 14 (6) Pg.213-214.

Geddes DT, Langton DB, Gollow I, Jacobs LA, Hartman PE & Simmer K (2008) "Frenulotomy for breastfeeding infants with ankyloglossia: effect on milk removal and sucking mechanism as imaged by ultrasound"

Ghaheri BA, Cole M, Fausel S, Chuop M, Mace J (2016) "Breastfeeding improvement following tongue-tie and lip-tie release; a prospective cohort study" The Laryngoscope 127(5) Pg.1217-1223.

Ghaheri BA, Lincoln D, Mai TNT & Mace JC (2022) "Objective Improvement After Frenotomy for Posterior Tongue-Tie: A Prospective Randomized Trial" Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 166(5) Pg.976-984.

Ghaheri BA, Lincoln D, Mai TNT & Mace JC(2022) "Optimization of Infant Feeding in the Setting of Posterior Tongue Tie: A Response" Otolaryngol Head Neck Surgery Pg.1945998221112321.

Ghaheri BA, Tylor DA & Zaghi S (2020) "Lacking consensus:the management of ankyloglossia in children" Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 163(5) Pg.1064-1064.

Griffiths M (2004) "Do tongue-ties affect breastfeeding?" Journal of Human Lactation 20 Pg.409-414.

Hall DMB & Renfrew MJ (2005) "Tongue Tie" Archives of Disease in Childhood 90 Pg.1211-1215.

Hazelbaker AK (2010) Tongue-tie Morphogenesis, Impact, Assessment and Treatment Aidan & Eva Press, Ohio, USA.

Hill RR. Lyons KS, Kelly-Weeder S & Pados BF (2022) "Effect of Frenotomy on Maternal Breastfeeding Symptoms and the Relationship Between Maternal Symptoms and Problematic Infant Feeding" Glob Pediatr Health, 9 Pg.1-10.

Hill RR, Richard MA & Pados BF (2023) "Breastfeeding Symptoms with Tongue- and Lip-Tie" The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 48(1) Pg.17-23.

Hillan R (2008) "Division of tongue-tie: wicked or barbaric?" The Practising Midwife 11 Pg.22-25.

Hogan M, Westcott C & Griffiths M (2005) "Randomised controlled trial for divisio of tongue-tie in infants with feeding problems" Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health Vol 41 (5-6) Pg.246-250.

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Jayawardena ADL, Redmann A, Roby BB, Chinnadurai S, Caloway CL & Hartnick CJ (2022) "Response to: Objective Improvement After Frenotomy for Posterior Tongue Tie: A Prospective Randomized Trial" OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY Pg.1945998221112324-1945998221112324.

Johnson PRV (2006) “Tongue-Tie Exploding the myths” Infant 2(3) Pg.96-99.

Kean N (2023) "Otolaryngologists are still debating the effectiveness of tongue tie treatment" ENTtoday

Kendall-Tackett K (2017) “The tongue tie controversy” Clinical Lactation 8(3) Pg.87-88 doi:10.1891/2158-0782.8.3.87.

Knight M, Ramakrishnan R, Ratushnyak S, Rivero-Arias O, Bell J, Bowler U, Buchanan P, Carter C, Cole C, Hewer O, Hurd M, King A, Juszczak E, Linsell L, Long A-M, Mottram L, Murray D, Oddie S, Quigley M, Stalker V, Stanbury K, Welsh R, Hardy P (2023) "Frenotomy with breastfeeding versus breastfeeding support alone for infants with tongue-tie and breastfeeding difficulties: the FROSTTIE RCT" Health Technology Assessment Vol 27(11) Pg.1-73.

Koento, T., Tamin, S., Hutahuruk, S. M., Praborini, A. and Amouzegar, E. (2022) 'The frenotomy efficacy in gaining weight of exclusively breastfed infant with ankyloglossia', INDIAN JOURNAL OF OTOLOGY, 28(2) Pg.116-118.

Kummner A (2005) "Ankyloglossia: To clip or not to clip? Thats the question" The ASHA Leader 10 (6-7) Pg.30.

Martinelli, R. L. C., Marchesan, I. Q., Gusmão, R. J. and Berretin-Felix, G. (2022) 'Effect of Lingual Frenotomy on Tongue and Lip Rest Position: A Nonrandomized Clinical Trial', Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 26(1) Pg.e069-e074.

McMullen S & Wise P (2017) " Tongue-tie and breastfeeding-why the controversy?" Infant 13(3) Pg.92-93.

Messener AH, Walsh J, Rosenfeld RM, Schwartz SR, Ishman SL, Baldassari C, Brietzke SE, Darrow DH, Goldstein N, Levi J, Meyer AK, Parikh S, Simons JP, Wohl DL, Lambie E & Satterfield L (2020) "Clinical consensus statement: ankyloglossia in children. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 162(5) Pg.597-611.

Muldoon K, Gallagher L, McGuinness D, & Smith V (2017) "Effect of frenotomy on breastfeeding variables in

infants with ankyloglossia (tongue-tie): a prospective before and after cohort study" BMC pregnancy and childbirth 17(1) Pg.373.

National Health Service (NHS) (2023) ”Tongue tie and Bottle Feeding” (accessed 27/01/2024) Crown copyright, UK.

National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2005) "Division of Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) for breastfeeding"  NICE Interventional Procedure Guidance (IPG 149).

Ngerncham S, Laohapensang M, Wongvisutdhi T, Ritjaroen Y, Painpichan N, Hakularb P, Gunnaleka P & Chaturapitphothong P (2013) "Lingual frenulum and effect on breastfeeding in Thai newborn infants" Paediatrics & International Child Health 33(2) Pg.86-90.

O'Callaghan C, Macary S, Clemente S (2013) "The effects of office-based frenotomy for anterior and posterior ankyloglossia on breastfeeding" International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology 77 Pg.827-832.

O'Shea JE, Foster JP, O'Donnell CPF, Breathnach D, Jacobs SE, Todd DA, Davis DG (2017) "Frenotomy for tongue-tie in newborn infants (review)" Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Pransky SM, Lago D, Hong P (2015) "Breastfeeding difficulties and oral cavity anomolies: the influence of post ankyloglossia and upper-lip ties" International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology

Ramoser G, Guoth-Gumberger M, Baumgartner-Sigl S, Zoeggeler T, Scholl-Burgi S, Karall D (2019) "Frenotomy for tongue-tie (frenulum linguae breve) showed improved symptoms in the short and long-term follow up" Acta Paediatrica John Wiley and Sons Publishers p1-6 DOI:10.1111/apa.14811.

Rowan-Legg A (2015) “Ankyloglossia and breastfeeding” Pediatric Child Health 20(4) Pg.209-218.

Rydstrom LL, Tavallali A, Sundborg E, Berlin A & Ranheim A (2021) “Caught on the fringes of life: Mothers lived experiences of initial breastfeeding complications” Qualatative Health Research 31(9) Pg.1622-1631.

Schlatter, S-M, Schupp W, Otten J-E, Harnisch S, Kunze M, Stavropoulou D & Hentschel R (2019) "The role of

tongue-tie in breastfeeding problems—A prospective observational study" Acta Paediatrica, 108(12) Pg.2214–2221.

Siggaard LD, Tingsgaard P, Lüscher M, Holm JP, Nielsen JK & Berrett TQ (2022) "Parent-reported infant and maternal symptom relief following frenotomy in infants with tongue- tie" Dan Med J 69(5).

Slagter KW, Raghoebar GM, Hamming I, Meijer J & Vissink A (2021) "Effect of frenotomy on breastfeeding and reflux: results from the BRIEF prospective longitudinal cohort study" Clinical Oral Investigations 25(6) Pg.3431-3439.

Smith A (2016) "Tongue-Tie" Breastfeeding Basics

Souza-oliverira AC, Cruz PV, Bendo CB, Batista WC, Bouzada MCF, & Martins CC (2021) "Does ankyloglossia interfere with breastfeeding in newborns? A cross-sectional study" Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 7(2) Pg.263-269.

Srinivasan A, Khoury A, Puzhko S, Dobrich C, Stern M, Mitruck H & Goldfarb L (2018) "Frenotomy in infants with tongue tie and breastfeeding problems" Journal of Human Lactation 5(4)

Talmor G & Całoway CL (2022) "Ankyloglossia and Tethered Orał Tissue. An Evidence Based Review" Pediatric clinics of North America 69(2) Pg.235-245.

Thomas J, Bunik M, Holmes A, Keels MA, Poindexter B, Meyer A, Gilliland A, (2024) "Identification and Management of Ankyloglossia and its effect on Breastfeeding in Infants: Clinical Report" Academy of Pediatrics e2024067605.

Todd D & Hogan M (2015) "Tongue-tie in the newborn: Early diagnosis and division prevents poor breastfeeding outcomes. Breastfeeding Review 23(1) Pg.11-16.

Tomara E, Dagla M, Antoniou E & Iatrakis G (2023) "Ankyloglossia as a barrier to breastfeeding: a literature review" Children 10(12) Pg.1902.

Tran J & Hill RR (2022) "Breastfeeding Experiences and Changes in Feeding Plans Among Parents of Infants Diagnosed With Tongue-Tie" Nursing for Women's Health 26(1) Pg.21-29.

UNICEF UK The Baby Friendly Initiative (2019) "Overcoming Breastfeeding Problems: Tongue-Tie"

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