the logo for the association of tongue-tie practitioners


Please complete the form below, one form per listing entry.

Please read this guidance in accordance with  the 🔗 'ATP Directory and Listings Policy': ATP Constitution Appendix 3.

Clinical Monitoring and Evaluation

Should you or a member of your team experience an adverse event relating to the tongue-tie release procedure (prolonged bleeding, infection, adverse reaction, anything unexpected or unplanned) we are encouraging it to be reported using our 'Clinical Monitoring' form.

If you are an ATP member this is found in the members area, but if you are a non-ATP member and need to report an incident to us, we encourage you to do so, this enables the ATP to monitor incidence and make suggestions for best future practice.  Please refer to the link in the footer of each website page.

NHS Service Listing form

Please bear with us whilst we process your application. The ATP committee all work as volunteers alongside managing their own working lives and families.  We will do our very best to ensure that this service is as swift as it can be. Thank you

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