(members alter to own practice settings and are
responsible for their updates).
The ATP adheres to the International Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes. Applications to become a member of ATP assume that individuals adhere to these principles according to the ATP Constitution.
Please complete the ATP Membership Application Form to become a full ATP member. Details of membership fees are on the form.
Full membership of the Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners (ATP) is open to anyone who is a current tongue-tie practitioner (surgical release provider), regulated by a governing body ie. Registered health professional with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), General Medical Council (GMC), General Dental Council (GDC) or other not specifically listed, and registered with the CQC or equivalent if applicable.
Every full member who is working independently from the NHS must be able to demonstrate that they have professional indemnity insurance to perform frenulotomy on babies and infants specifically stated. The ATP will assume that this insurance continues for the duration of ATP membership. It is recommended that parents ask to see evidence of current indemnity insurance before engaging the services of a private practitioner.
Affiliate membership of the Association of Tongue-tie Practitioners (ATP) is open to health professionals (for example nurses, midwives, Health Visitors, doctors, dentists, osteopaths, speech and language therapists) and breastfeeding supporters (including breastfeeding peer supporters, breastfeeding counsellors, and lactation consultants) who have an interest or role in supporting parents of babies with tongue-tie and would like to benefit from sharing professional experiences.
Please complete the ATP Membership Application Form to become an associate ATP member Details of membership fees are included on the form.
We also offer membership for anyone who is a full-time healthcare student, or retired from a previous tongue-tie practitioner role at a discounted rate! The ATP welcome you to join us! Please complete the membership application stating the ‘type’ of membership you wish to join. Then our membership secretary will be in touch with you shortly after. Please refer to our ATP constitution for clarification on application acceptance criteria and voting rights:
Please contact the ATP Membership Secretary at: membership@tongue-tie.org.uk if you wish to clarify any membership issues, queries, questions or concerns.
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